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How it Works
Receive a call from Fitted
"Hello, Fitted needs to purchase 6 yards of cotton fabric. Press 1 to accept this order or 2 to decline"
Accept the Order
SMS + Email confirmations of the order will be sent to you at your agreed price. Your fabric will go through a Fitted quality check upon delivery to us
Instant pay to your wallet
Get a credit alert for the fabric immediately. Our tailors and Specialists will inspect this fabric quality out of 5 stars (texture & bleed test)
Handover fabric to Fitted agent
Get a credit alert for the fabric immediately. Our tailors and Specialists will inspect this fabric quality out of 5 stars (texture & bleed test)
Sellers Benefits
As a fabric seller on Fitted, your business is positioned for better sales and structure
Expand your market (shift more volumes)
Get instant credit alert when you accept Fitted orders by phone
Stay organized with records of the fabric you sell to us
Out-perform counterparts who short-change customers. Get rewarded for your honest work with higher ratings and consistent orders
Fitted role in
Consolidating the highly fragmented fabric market to improve customer’s selection from the comfort of home
Introducing accountability to fabric merchants by introducing rating of each fabric purchased by tailors or our own staff
Aligning incentives of fabric sellers and tailors for customers’ benefits (tailors rated for quality of tailoring, fabric sellers rated for quality of fabric)
Reduce Waste
Improving circularity in African fashion by reducing waste and fabric fraud